Jon Dawes

JD Writes

A blog about technology, business resilience and a permanent growth mindset.


Welcome to the blog!

Jon Dawes

1-Minute Read

Welcome sign on green grass

Header photo by Nico Smit

I’m a big believer in both continuous learning, and learning publicly to help others. I’ve created this blog to support both. It’s a place for me to put insights, how-tos and general ramblings out into the world. I expect to learn a lot in the process and with any luck, it helps someone else out too.

Having spent most of my time in IT focussed on Infrastructure, I’ve also been developing more of an understanding of the developer world and the tools they use. To support that I’ve built site with a static site generator and using serverless hosting, GitHub for version control and deployment to make publishing automated. No doubt I’ll detail my journey’s as a proto-developer and site administrator.

You can find me on Twitter if you’ve got some feedback. I’d love to know what you’d like to see more of!

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As a technologist in a rapidly changing world, every day is a schoolday. Here I hope to learn in public and share some insights along the way. I'm passionate about helping other succeed and this is a small way to give back to the community.